Add more speaking dates on your calendar this year
How is your speaking business going? Are you booking any gigs for this new year? Chances are, you may not be booking that many. Why?
I have had many conversations with some of my buddies who were very hot in on the speaking circuit. Now, they are not getting that much traction. I know exactly what they are talking about. The game has changed dramatically. All of us speakers can feel the pinch.
Without going into too many details, let’s say the people you would expect to see on the stages today are remarkably different. I know a guy who’s commanding 150, 0000 dollars for one keynote. He wears a t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. And he curses a lot. That’s just one example out of so many.
Why Speakers Struggle To Get Paid Speaking Gigs
Here’s a short list of the kind of people getting the speaking gigs today: Politicians, celebrity bloggers, youtube stars, highly controversial figures, retired executives, TED speakers, scientists, college and university professors, etc.
Do you see yourself on that list? Probably not. I know I’m definitely not on it. Does that mean we should give up? The answer is NO!
That means we need to change our approach. The old ways we used to get speaking gigs don’t work anymore.
Meeting Planners Won’t Talk To You
Do you remember when we used to pick up the phone and talk to a meeting planner? Guess what? They don’t want to talk on the phone anymore. In fact, they don’t want to find them. They want to find you.
I have booked so many engagements and never talk to the client until I get to the speaking venue. Here’s the kicker: After I give the talk and get a standing ovation, they still don’t take my call. I have to send an email.
So, stop chasing meeting planners or speakers bureaus. They are running away from us. They are ignoring us. Now, I’m not mad. People are busier than ever. They are turning off advertising and promotions. If anything smells like a pitch, they will ignore you. That’s why we are paying extra to block the ads.
The Good News For New And Veteran Speakers
The good news is, there are more opportunities today than ever. The meeting industry is not disappearing. We are, first and foremost, social animals. We must meet and socialize.
We badly need more encouragement and inspiration. We are more worried, confused, uncertain and disturbed. Here’s an eye opener for you?
There are 7.7 billion people on this planet. So many of those would never, ever listen and pay attention to me or any of the above speaker types I mentioned above. They want to hear from you and only you.
They don’t about my story from a poor village in Haiti. They don’t’ care about anything I have to say. They only care about what you have to say. They just want to connect with you. Why?
It’s because your star is lined up with them. It’s because your story and life are almost precisely the same as theirs. I’m talking about millions out of the seven billion people. Here’s the best part:
1,000 People at $1,000 = $1,000,000
You don’t need millions. You only need to resonate and connect with 1,000 people who would pay you $1,000 to make one million dollars. You can get that with speaking, coaching, consulting, digital products, etc. Do you see my point?
Simply put, you only need to uplift and make a difference in the lives of one thousand people. The rippling effect could be huge since each one those individuals will, in turn, touch other lives.
All it would take is for you to capture their attention. To do so, you authentically speak from your heart to theirs. You tell your truth to resonate with your potential fans and inadvertently repel all those who are not aligned with your truth.
How To Get Event Planners To Pay Attention To You
Create the right content that grabs attention. Did you know that attention is the most priceless currency today? That’s right! It’s extremely difficult to get others to notice. This is a noisy world. So many people are yelling and begging for attention.
You must create content that resonates with a group of people who are going through what you have been through. People who connect with you and want to learn from you!
Start creating videos like this one to upload to Youtube. And share your truth using the right keyword that would cause Youtube to show your video to your potential tribe. Oh, you don’t like being in front of a video camera? No problem.
Believe it or not, in the future, audio will be the #1 medium to connect with your fans. Here is why:
Every home will have an Amazon Echo with Alexa or Google Home or Siri. People will no longer use their hands to type. They will speak and ask their questions. It’s like someone wakes up and say, “Alexa, how to do I increase my daughter’s self-esteem?” Bam! You have a video or a podcast about that.
Or while in conversation with a single mother she mentions her struggle with raising a teenage daughter. Bam! You tell her I have a video or podcast about that subject. Am I making sense to you?
Did you know that you can create a Podcast right now for free using your smartphone? It’s ridiculously simple! In fact, let me know if you want me to share some tips about with you. This post is already too long to address that.
Think about it this way: Most people don’t have time to sit and watch videos. They want to listen while cleaning the house, driving or exercising.
In conclusion, that’s the new way meeting or event planners will stumble upon your content on social media or online. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
As I mentioned to you before, do pay attention to what I am doing on Youtube and elsewhere. Pick up the clues and model success. Watch this video. Leave a comment.
This is going to sound kind of weird to you. But I think it will be the one thing you need to get unstuck and launch your speaking, training and coaching career.
I’m going to share with you the two invisible forces that may be holding you back. And it’s not what you’ve been thinking.
Don’t be distracted. Read this all the way to the end.
Let’s get it.
Last Friday was a long day. I woke up really early to prepare for my speaking engagement. Later, I had dinner with the board of directors. Then, I headed to my hotel room.
I needed some information for a webinar the next day. I went to youtube.
One of the suggested videos on youtube was from America’s Got Talent. I clicked on it. Mind you; I don’t even watch television.
I don’t know much about America’s Got Talent.
But that particular show was a cab driver in Miami who spent all his life entertaining his passengers with his voice.
One day, a passenger suggested he tried America’s Got Talent. He did. And he got in.
During his performance, he shocked the audience. He sang a stunning opera song. All the judges including Simon and everyone in the audience were totally blown away!
And get this…
While he was performing on the stage, unconsciously, he extended his hands as if they were on the steering wheel of his cab and the audience was in his back seat.
I lost it. I had tears all over my face. I started thinking…
“Am I the only one who cries while watching a show like this?”
Then it dawned on me.
The world is full of people who are extremely talented. They drive a cab all their lives and never use their talents to make a big impact. So sad!
Maybe because they feel like they are not good enough. Maybe they never got the approval from others.
I thought about YOU. Yes, I mean you. Your cab maybe the job you are stuck in. Or it maybe something else. I don’t know.
But for sure I know you are probably frustrated just like I was when I was a doorman selling myself short at the hotel for 15 years.
My friends and co-workers kept telling me how much I motivate and inspire them. They told me that was my calling.
But, I was stuck. I didn’t know where to go and how to start.
Slowly, I kept fumbling in the dark trying to discover how to realize my dream.
Sure enough, after years of trial and error and a truckload of money I didn’t have, I found my way. Hint: Credit cards.
The question is…
Why is it so many struggles and never accomplish their dreams?
Why is it so many people end up living the rest of their lives in regrets and are barely getting by?
The reality is, there are no excuses why anyone should live an average life.
Today, we have access to EVERYTHING we need to succeed. Money is not the issue. And it should never be.
With just one click of the mouse, you can get a world of information on any topic.
You probably have a hard drive full of information.
You know what I mean, right? You signup for the courses bought the books. You bought the books.
If you are a real consumer, you took lots of notes. You get excited! And you do NOTHING with all of that.
Now, if we have all this information available to us…
Why aren’t we living the life we want? What’s holding us back? Why do we feel so stuck?
How come every time we decide to go for what we want, something pulls us back?
I think there TWO MAIN reasons people continue to struggle unnecessarily…
Reason #1: Nothing out there is going to change your life or empower you to live your dream.
If that were the case, you would have the life you dream about.
Look, it doesn’t matter how many books you read and how many seminars or courses you take.
It doesn’t even matter if your gurus invited you to live with them for a whole year to follow and study them. You would still be where you are. Why?
It’s because what’s stopping you is you. It’s NOT out there.
For example, I coached many entrepreneurs who come to me to help them with their marketing.
But when I start going deeper, I would often discover they already know what to do.
The problem is not a lack of knowledge. The problem is them. All I need to do is to help them identify the invisible forces that are holding them back and wipe them out.
The thing is, your mind will continue to trick you into thinking you need to take one more course or certification, read one more book, or buy one more online service.
Every time you see someone using a gadget, you think, “If I can only buy this, things would begin to happen for me.”
Reason #2: Most teachers don’t know how to teach. What do I mean by that?
Well, it’s not about having the right information. It’s about having the right information in the right sequence.
Because you read a book or hear someone talking their success and how they got it does not mean you can do the same thing and achieve their results.
Think about it this way. Let’s say I give you 12 numbers for a vault that contains 100 million dollars.
If I don’t give you the right sequence to dial the numbers, you will NEVER unlock that vault.
Simply put, success in anything is EASY as long as you have the right information in the right sequence. And you know the belief triggers and what’s holding you back.
Most teachers and authors have no clue about this. They think success is a cookie cutter – one-size-fits-all.
So, it’s time for you to get off the cab and change your life.
Let me get this straight. There’s something I know about you for a fact.
I know you are brilliant!
The fact you are not where you would wish to be has nothing to do with brain power.
You just need some clarity and the belief that what you know and who you are is good enough.
You only need a few distinctions to package, position, and promote your genius.
So, I decided to re-open my coaching program. But I want to warn you.
This is not just about how to become a powerful motivational speaker. I can teach you that. I’m a master at it. As far as I know, no one can teach it to you better than I can.
I’m talking about removing the stumbling blocks out of your way.
Two days ago, I delivered a keynote presentation for a group of women entrepreneurs. Standing ovation! I left them ecstatic and fired up to dash to the summit of success in their respective business!
Later, I was in my room reflecting on my speaking journey. I was wondering about the magic bullet that catapulted me to the top as a motivational speaker.
I got an instant revelation! I got so excited; I wanted to crack open the champagne. I’m sure you know the feeling when you suddenly experience a flash of brilliant insight. Right?
So kick back and chill out. I want to share my big reveal with you so you, too, can shift gear and get on the fast-track in your speaking career.
Here it is:
You probably are thinking to get paid as a motivational speaker. You need knowledge, skills, experience, this that or the other. Or you need a degree or be a top-notch speaker.
I want to debunk that myth for you.
Yes. You do need to be a good speaker. That’s a given. But that doesn’t take much. That comes with platform hours. No biggie.
Here’s what I mean…
When I first launched my speaking biz, my fee was $500 for a speech. (I didn’t know better.) That was a DUMB mistake.
Today, my check for a one-hour keynote is $10,000 plus all expenses.
The Ugly Truth About This
I’m still giving the same speech. And I’m still sharing the same stories and points.
Simply put, I went from $500 to $10,000 without any significant shift in content and delivery.
Well, okay. I do have more experience now. But I paid some gurus a hefty price for it – money I didn’t have. Hint: Plastic cards.
That means you can buy all the experience you want. You can slash your learning curve by leaps and bounds.
However, I told you it was not about that. Starting out, I had none.
When I hung my shingle and proclaimed I was a motivational speaker; I was making $4.25 an hour and some tips. I was still learning English.
Audacity? …Hell yeah!
The thing is, nobody knew about me. I didn’t have any testimonials or references.
I was an unknown and obscure Haitian immigrant carrying bags at a hotel – in debt and hanging by a thread.
My English was rough. I cringe when I listen to my first recording from years ago.
Some words I can’t even understand myself. I wonder how the audience managed to get my points.
Now, do you want to know how come I command that much money for the same speech today?
Cool! Make sure you write it down.
It’s Not About The WHAT. It’s About The WHO.
The higher your fee is, the more they pay you for WHO YOU ARE instead of WHAT you are.
Look at it this way.
You may be a motivational speaker or a lawyer, or an account. That’s what you are. We all know there’s a price expectation for what you are.
For example, if you are a writer, the national association of writers might publish a suggested price guide.
They might recommend you charge from $20 to $100 depending whether you are a beginner or and advanced level writer. That’s just to illustrate. I don’t know for sure.
The WHO has no ceiling. There are so many polished speakers with deeper knowledge who are struggling to get paid 2k while I get 10K.
Think of Oprah Winfrey. She makes a boatload of money. She is the richest black woman in the world.
Does that mean she is more talented, gifted, and experienced than the other people who are on TV?
So, what does it takes? Answer:
Be A Fascinating Person Who ATTRACTS And Arrests Attention!
Radiate the following: Mystery. Influence. Intrigue. Charm. Charisma. Celebrity.
The good news is, you are not born with any of those. But, you can engineer them.
Well, here are a few things among many you can work on:
Get brilliant on STORIES… that’s where you can make the most impact and money
Create videos for YouTube – Be a talk show host there
Have your O type magazine
Write articles or special reports
Have a person with the presence of a news anchor to interview you
Share your opinions about things or philosophies
Write a book, etc.
Perception IS reality!
Every single thing I just mentioned is EASY TO DO. Do not over complicate it. Most people get stuck because of complexity.
Look, if a little guy from poverty and diseases from tiny village in Haiti can do it, you can too!
Make sure you target one particular problem that bug millions of people. Something like time management, self-esteem, bullying, etc.
Of course, those people need to have money; or make sure companies are willing to sponsor you to reach them.
As a result, you will now be busy enough to activate the law of scarcity. And bam! You are ready to fly high!
That’s what happened to me.
Today, it’s not easy to get access to me. That was never my intention. But, it is what it is.
Lots of people email and write to ask me questions. Others want me to mentor them.
Unfortunately, I cannot spend time one-on-one to coach, mentor, and answer questions for free.
I can only take the time to answer general questions here on this blog when I can rearrange my schedule to do so.
The reality is, if I were devoting my time to dispense free advice, I would have to work 365 days, full time. There are way too many requests. That means I would never be able to eat and pay my rent.
I’m not complaining. That’s a nice problem to have. You’ll have the same problem soon if you stay with it and do the things I suggest to you.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m a giver. I love giving! I give my time and money to the needy children in Haiti. I also mentor a few selected people.
Okay, Here’s The Big Takeaway:
I just peeled back the curtain and revealed the magic formula to you.
Work on the WHO. Become a fascination person who commands and arrests attention.
That strategy works anywhere on the planet – regardless of your current status. How you go about it may be different. But the process is the same.
By the way, when you become that kind of person, your future fans will hang on to your words. Regardless if they heard them before. They will feel more compelled to take action.
Before I hit the publish button, let me ask you…
What are you struggling with now? What’s your frustration? What’s stopping you? Type it in the comment box below.
I just finished coaching a client, and I was shocked at a couple of things she said. I could not believe it!
She basically gave me all the excuses in the book in order to avoid drumming up some speaking engagements. She told me that she was too busy to go out and meet people. She also said that she is shy.
If you are a shy motivational speaker, you need to do something about it now or find another profession.
How in the world can someone be a motivational speaker and he or she is shy? I don’t get it.
Now, I am not saying you cannot be shy. After all, I was a very shy person. My first speaking engagement at a Toastmaster Club was a disaster. Yes, I bombed. I was extremely shy. My hands were shaking with the lectern.
Well, when I realized there’s no way I could become a highly paid keynote speaker by being a shy motivational speaker, I fixed that quick. I know what you are thinking.
“How did you get over you shyness, Rene?”
The answer is simple:
I nipped it in the bud by telling myself to cut that out
I put myself in situations to confront my shyness
I did what I was afraid of
I wish I had a real secret to share with you about being shy. But, I don’t. You simply have to confront your fears. Dare to do the things that scare the hell out of you in spite of your fear. Got it?
Look, you did not come out of your mother’s womb as a shy person. Something happened along the way when you were a kid. Perhaps you grew up with shy people. I don’t know. What you must keep in mind is this; you can go from shyness to courage if you want to.
Sorry. I digressed. Here’s the fundamental lesson I want to share with you here.
You cannot build a business incognito. Stop being invisible. You are not in the secret service. You are running a business. And it makes absolutely no difference what business you are in.
Meeting Planners Cannot Hire You To Speak If They Don’t Know You Exist.
They cannot buy your products or services if they don’t know about them. You have to be everywhere. People have to know and remember you.
Your calendar should never have a bunch of blank spots in it
Go where the people gather
Make sure every week that you, at least, attend three networking events
In the US and Canada, there are hundreds of networking events every day. If your country or city does not have those kinds of events, create yours. Bring some businesses together to share ideas and leads. Invite some people to come and discuss how to get ahead in life.
To this day, some of my best clients come from the networking events I attend. Sometimes, I make a connection with a person who is not in a position to hire me. But, guess what?
They know someone they can refer me to. At the very least, they can buy my book, CD, or DVD. In some cases, they have an idea I can use to build my business. Please do not prejudge anyone.
Do you see what I mean?
Oh, just for the records, my client gave me the permission to write this. She felt like my feedback was awesome. She wanted to make sure all of you learn about it.
Just like her, she wants you to pledge that you will never be a shy motivational speaker. Be visible! Go tell the world about what you do. Let others feel your passion and fire.
By the way, stop being invisible now and here. People need to know about you. Share your feedback with me.
Well, think before you leap and quit your job to become a motivational speaker. And I do mean think.
Although I didn’t have kids when I started, I still had to pay my bills and eat. I couldn’t quit my job cold turkey not knowing when and where the next paycheck would come from. You can call me coward or chicken if you want. But you are not going to call me stupid.
I never forgot this lady with a beaming smile on her face. She came to announce to me that she quit her job to pursue her speaking. I mean… She was so excited. She felt like it was the best decision (more…)
If you are going to launch your speaking career or you want to start any business, now is NOT the time to buy that big house. You shouldn’t go for the fancy car, or the toys either.
Now, I’m not really telling you what to do. It’s your life. It’s your money. Do as you please. (more…)