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How To Become A Motivational Speaker: Transform Lives & Get Paid To Do It

There are many so-called gurus out there that are offering courses on how to become a motivational speaker. Yet, they are not making a living speaking. Chances are, they are only making a living at teaching it.

Fortunately, I have been keynoting conferences and making a living as a personal development coach for the last 15 years. I have had the unique opportunity to impact lives the world over. I did all of that because I took the time to learn how to become a motivational speaker.

You too can learn how to become a motivational speaker that command big fees regardless of your background and qualifications.

Public speaking is not something that requires a degree. The first thing you need to know is that you are already qualified to be a motivational speaker.

You don’t need any special degrees or qualifications. You don’t even need a high school diploma to join the ranks of top speakers. It’s all about charisma and your ability to connect heart and soul with others.

Your voice, words, stage presence are your qualifications to speak at events all around the world. And your only competitive advantage is your personal experiences or stories. They are only yours. No one can steal your experiences.

In fact, speakers don’t get paid top dollars to speak on different topics because of their university or college degrees. If you believe that, get it out of your head. It’s a lie.

Think about it this way: a voice is whispering in your ears. That’s what led you this site. That means you are called to do this. God is calling you to step out and be an inspiration for others.

I have a free training for you to get you going. I will be sharing with you many steps on how to become a rock star speaker. For now, let’s wipe out your doubts and fears. Yes. We all have them. How do I know? Well, I have been there.

Some people thought I was losing my mind when I told them I wanted to speak. They couldn’t imagine it was possible to succeed in the speaking industry without the right contacts, resources, and the ability to speak proper English.

Click on the button below to get the free course on how to become a motivational speaker.


$10From Poverty & Diseases To Now A Highly Paid Keynote Speaker!

There’s nothing in my past that remotely suggests I could become one of the most highly paid public speakers mesmerizing audiences at events.

I started in life as a hopeless, poor and diseased kid in a tiny village in Haiti. At the age of 21, I entered the United States with $5, two shirts, one pair of pants and was unable to speak English.

When I decided to become a motivational speaker, I was a doorman at a hotel in Atlanta making $4.25 an hour. It was very hard to persuade meeting planners or speakers bureaus to be in front of their audiences on a stage.

I couldn’t compete with some top names in the speaking industry such as Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, and Brian Tracy.

My unfair advantage was bulldog tenacity and internal fortitude. I was willing to do whatever is necessary to become a speaker. I was relentless. I had the audacity to believe if it’s possible for one person, it’s possible for everyone.

Now is The Right Time To Learn How Become A Motivational Speaker

As a side note, possibilities are endless. Nothing can stop you except the stories you tell yourself on a consistent basis. That may be the only reason why you are not on stages delivering keynotes right now.

I didn’t know where to go for any speaking training. Heck, I didn’t even know what Toastmasters International was back then. I simply took the plunge in spite of my fears and the naysayers.

I spent thousands of dollars and countless hours learning how to become a motivational speaker in the trenches.

I paid people for some terrible advice while others gave me excellent advice.

Although I made many mistakes, I also did many things right. Today, I’m living my dream as a highly paid motivational speaker commanding thousands of dollars for one hour of my time.

You can live that dream as well. I’m ready to hold your hand and show you the way. You just need to be willing to do whatever is necessary.

I am ready to teach and help you for FREE if you are willing to do the work. If you apply what you will learn lessons you will receive, marketing your business will be a lot easier.

My question for you is this:

Are you really serious or are you just interested? Are you ready to share your message with the world? Are you ready to get one bureau booking after another?

I have the experience and the know-how to share with you the real deal on how to become a paid speaker!

The time is now and the person is you! Listen to your calling! Your search is over! I hope you are ready to build a speaking business.

Full Speaking Course $10 ONLY on how to become a paid motivational speaker

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